You can find the STALKER SoC Modding Guide here at the new site.
If you have any suggestions or problems with the guide, you can tell me about it on our forums.
If you have old-ish PC, I'd recommend staying away from Complete. It's not too well optimized.
For first timers I do recommend the Zone Reclamation Project. You can improve its visuals with the Stalker Weather Overhaul, if necessary, that doesn't really affect framerates at all.
XR_3DA.exe caused BREAKPOINT in module "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl\bin\xrCore.dll" at 001B:00C97CB5, xrDebug::backend()+165 byte(s)
I was getting the same thing, the problem is probably the LURK UI Mod. Deleting "gamedata/config/ui/maingame.xml" will fix it, but I think it breaks the mod.
Check your Users\Public\Documents\stalker-shoc\logs after experiencing the problem to get a hint for the solution. Other then that I don't have enough information to help.
1. The step you were on before experiencing problems. 2. Which steps you decided to skip, if any. 3. Your monitor's resolution. 4. A few line from the end of your xray log (if available)
I'm not planning to do anything for Call of Pripyat. I would recommend Complete, I Work Alone, or SGM 1.7 BlackByte edition if you want something really exotic.
1. You appear to be using the retail version of the game, which means you are running version 1.0004. Do NOT install the AMK Patch for 1.0005.
2. The AMK Arsenal mod, by default, is packaged with widescreen scope textures. As said in step 5, having scope textures in the wrong resolution can cause problems. Also as said, AMK Arsenal also comes with more scope textures. Read the 1.31 patch's readme for instructions on correcting your scope texture resolutions.
3. Your log seems to complaining about the AMK main menu theme music which goes in hadow of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\. Ensure that both Terrapack-Empty_noise_l.ogg and Terrapack-Empty_noise_r.ogg are in that folder.
Ok i did a quick check and its not 1 or 3, the music files are there and i did install patch 1.0005. seems like i WILL have to redownload everything while keeping an eye on these scoped textures.
Added a version of Minimal LURK HUD for AMK that will work without AMK Arsenal Mod. Previously, installing the merge without AMK Arsenal Mod caused problems.
Alright, I'm having an issue like Monix above was; I've tried uninstalling STALKER and re-installing all the mods in order again and get the same problem.
XR_3DA.exe caused BREAKPOINT in module "f:\steam\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl\bin\xrCore.dll" at 001B:00597CB5, xrDebug::backend()+165 byte(s)
I am using the Arsenal mod and the LURK hud, and did the complete + SWO merge.
I've discovered a bug in Minimal LURK HUD for AMK that causes crashes when playing the game 800x600, 1024x768, and 1152x864 resolutions. I know what is causing this problem and will have the mod replaced shortly.
Updated Minimal LURK HUD for AMK. It will no longer crash games running in low resolution. Re-download the mod and re-install it to fix any problems related to it.
here is the relevant line: Can't find texture'arsenal_mod\556x45_clip_m16'
This is pretty weird because AMK Arsenal mod does not have M16s. However, LURK has EXACTLY this texture file. My guess is you have LURK config files mixed in with your install for some reason. Delete your whole gamedata folder to start fresh and try again.
That one is kind of interesting. The texture ui_nvidia_intro doesn't seem to be provided by AMK.
Normally your version is displayed at the bottom-left while viewing the main menu. But because you are having problems with an intro screen, its likely that you aren't even getting that far. You may be able to bypass this problem by using the launch option -nointro which skips the intro screens. There are directions for using launch options on this page.
If that doesn't work I recommend re-installing your game entirely, checking your game version without mods, and retrying the guide based on that information
I can see it's trying to open an audio file, but apparently can't. I was on Step 3 going through the Conventional setup, and I also installed the AMK Arsenal mod, as I have installed AMK. Deleted the grenade script, that didn't solve anything (obviously). Would appreciate some help, thanks.
rnd_wind_1 is a sound file native to Complete 2009. If you follow the conventional method you will not have or need this file. AMK should not normally try to call this file unless you are using the AMK Complete method.
I don't know how to fix this problem, but the AMK Complete method is always available if the conventional method won't work for you.
Also, I'd like some clarification on what it would mean to skip the SWO merge files... how can I do this if I want to use AMK as well? Is there no way to install ZRP otherwise, or is this actually a step that can be skipped entirely? What would I be missing out on, then?
The SWO Merge files were created to make SWO compatible with AMK. If you are playing a normal game or ZRP, you don't need the merge files. Installing the SWO merge files onto a non-AMK game will cause crashes.
One more thing; Vsync seems completely broken. Whether I've enabled it in the in-game graphics setting or forced it through my video card software, the screen keeps tearing. Any advice on how to remedy this issue?
Like I said in the Some things you may want to know... section, AA, AS, and V-sync don't work. V-sync should work if you force it through your driver, so I don't know why even that wouldn't work for you. I've only tested this with Nvidia video cards and drivers and don't know what kind of features ATi Catalyst drivers offer.
If your driver version is extremely old, try updating it.
If I copy + paste a few folders of textures from LURK, is that all that is required? Or will I need to also edit some .ltx files to make the textures compatible?
Using LURK textures in amk shouldn't be any more complicated than using Complete textures. I've tried it in the past and it should work the way you described. Just copy and past the texture folders.
But keep in mind my memory might not be perfect on this.
I seem to have a problem with getting to the Starting Menu. It goes through THQ, GSC, etc. and then at the last one, it goes black and can be exited via Esc key.
You didn't give too much information, but luckily I think I already know what you're talking about. I remember this happening when testing the retail version STALKER with AMK when I failed to patch the game to version 1.0004. The game comes with an earlier version, and needs to be patched. Scroll up to the top of the guide to find a link to the patch.
Running this using the absolute textures, having to use static lighting because my computer ain't all that, just wondering if there's any way to make nights darker? I've tried fiddling with the sky_color values, and using the darker nights option in SWO, neither gave me the desired effect. Any ideas better than just dropping the gamma/brightness bars?
I don't know exactly how to make nights darker, though I might investigate it myself out of curiosity. I know that LURK has very dark nights, and this probably has to do with it's shaders. Try experimenting with replacing the SWO shaders with LURK shaders. I haven't tried it myself, but that's what I would try first.
But keep in mind that LURK's shaders are not as well optimized as SWO's, so consider how much more stress you can put on your PC.
Is that an excerpt from your xray log at Users\Public\Documents\stalker-shoc\logs ? Information near the end of that file is more useful than the crash message.
A number of things could have gone wrong:
1. You installed the 1.0005 compatibility patch even though you have 1.0004. 2. you installed the AMK Complete + SWO merge file, even though you skipped the AMK Complete step. 3. You installed the non-Arsenal version of LURK HUD even though you have the Arsenal mod.
I think #2 is most likely. I recently restructured the guide to require the AMK Complete step so I left out the separate SWO merge file that works without it. I'll put it back in as an option for those who want to use SWO without other graphics mods.
I installed last night, using your guide. My game is the 1.0005 version, and I did not do the optional AMK weapon mod. Game worked fine, crashed when I tried to load my save.
Not a whole lot of info to go off of in that log excerpt. Usually it indicates that a specific file that is causing the problem. Since it doesn't mention anything, I can't get even a first clue.
That aside, I never really made the guide with the intention of it being usable by old saves. There are so many mods that add new scripts that I don't have a chance of determining what will be incompatible with old saves.
Yeah, not sure myself. I did a fresh install and started a new game. It worked fine for a bit, then today again it won't load the save. It was loading it yesterday. Everything else seems to be working fine so, I have no idea. Bummer really.
Hello, I have a weard error everytime I get close to nimble and get up the stairs, or down the stairs. I did all the steps except the last (lurk hud), here's the error: FATAL ERROR
I couldn't reproduce the problem on my system, but I can tell you that grenade_reload is the name of a weapon animation for the Abakan. This weapon does not use a new mesh, so ensure that there is not an "abakan" folder in gamedata\meshes\weapons. New meshes, which in this case we aren't using, typically rename this anim to "reload_grenade" or "reload_g" so when a weapon with old anim names tries to execute that anim with a new mesh that expects those two different anim names, that causes a crash.
I've just deleted the folder and tried the stairs. no ctd occured and I talked to Nimble. I couldn't play on cause I have to go now, but it seems that the error has been fixed, so thank you for that. BTW, do you know a way to use dynamic lightning (full or the other option) without massive stuttering? It only works normal with static lightning -I have a pc that came with vista (can't remember exact specs though) and 3 GB of RAM, drivers up to date, video card that's good enough.
Studdering is very serious problem in STALKER SoC even while using good hardware. It occurs when entering a new area and the game has to swap resources in and out of your video card's VRAM. The only way to reduce its effects (as far as I know) is to just plain have tons of VRAM or, like you've discovered, play on extremely low graphics settings.
btw, you really shouldn't have abakan folder in \meshes to begin with. Maybe you have an old version of LURK Animations for AMK that I had posted for about 4 hours before taking it down a while back. If you do, I would expect more crashes.
I have more folders inside \meshes (weapon folders). Suppose that there are more folders that aren't used, how do I know which can (and if you're right will) cause errors? I don't think it's possible I have the old version of LURK animations for AMK because I started with this combination of mods just a few days back (took me a while cause I had a busy week), unless you see a few days as "a while back". Before I go, have you ever tried to add the arena extension mod to this? With a previous playthrough I used used that one and I enjoyed it a lot. If no, can you give me advice on how to merge it. I know a few things about merging, but I guess you're the better one in this case. Thanks again.
The only weapons whose meshes I didn't change, because I thought the originals were better, are the Abakan, FN2000, and RG6. You shouldn't have a folder for any of these in \meshes. And I had that buggy version posted at least three weeks ago, so I don't anticipate any further problems for you, but please continue to report crashes you experience.
I had at one time briefly considered merging the Arena expansion with AMK while browsing for possible new merging projects, and that mod is very nice and would make STALKER's somewhat lackluster arena sidequest more interesting. I decided to continue focusing on the LURK weapons for reasons outlined in another blog post. I may still do it in the future, but I would also be very pleased if someone else manages to do it and save me the effort. In fact, there are a lot of mods I would like merged with AMK, but don't have the time for.
Hello, still me. I just encountered two controllers (at the abandened car park in Cordon), killed them both and the sound didn't go away. After some experimenting I noticed the only way to get rid of it is to manually save, quit the game, restart the game and load. Do you know any easier way of getting rid of that annoying bug, as I don't know how many controllers there are and that noise ruins the game if you're not fighting with a controller.
There is a way to completely delete the sound from the game entirely and not have to deal with it at all, though. The screen distortion is enough to announce the presence of a controller anyway.
1. go to your gamedata\sounds folder and find the file $no_sound.ogg.
2. Copy and past this file twice making $no_sound - Copy.ogg and $no_sound - Copy(2).ogg.
3. Rename the new sound files 01controller_presence_l.ogg and 01controller_presence_r.ogg
4. Cut and past these files to sounds\monsters\controller and overwrite the original sound files.
What you just did was replace the bugged controller sounds with blank audio clips. The game will continue to play them after you kill the controller, but you won't care because they don't make noise anymore!
I haven't exactly tested this myself, but I don't see any logical reason why it wouldn't work. Give it a try.
Before I try, I wonder if it would work if I copy those 2 sound files from another mod, as with the complete 2009 and the vanilla playthroughs I wasn't bothered with this bug. On the other hand it might be a problem in the system files, but then a question comes in my mind, if it has been in the AMK mod from the beginning, why hasn't it been fixed? I don't think it is that difficult to find and fix. I do think the controller sound should stay in the game as it contributes a lot to the atmosphere, and it makes the scariest mutant even scarier ;).
Using the audio clips from Complete 2009 wouldn't fix it. The problem is most likely in a script file that calls the audio clip and fails to stop the looping for some reason. The bug may not have originally been in AMK, it may have been introduced by the AMK EN patch, or even the 1.0005 compatibility patch.
It's most likely a problem with the 1.0005 patch. As said before, AMK is buggier on 1.0005 than 1.0004. This is supposedly because 1.0005 requires slightly different scripting rules. This makes sense because two of the three files the 1.0005 patch replaces are two very important script files with a few lines of the script changed.
The problem is there are many, many script files, and it would be nearly impossible to anticipate how the new scripting rules will affect them all so its easy to see how small bugs can happen.
I can figure out how the controller sound works and which script works with the .ogg files, but I don't know much about the scripting in STALKER yet.
What you say can be true, but this is one of the most annoying bugs, and it's strange that there hasn't been succesful attempts to fix it yet. However, if you can find out which script file contains the command for the controller sounds that would be very nice. This might even lead to an easy solution. If you find the file, let me know so I can try some things out as well. As I said before, I don't think it's hard to fix, it just costs time. I think the bug was introduced with the ability of the controller to zombify stalkers or the adding of strenght to the controller, for as far as I know the files regarding the controller haven't been changed since. I can't it is the 1.0005 patch, as with my vanilla playthrough I didn't have this bug. In combination it could generate more problems, but then I should have the same with other mutants, shouldn't I? Or at least with other sound files. btw, I found a wierd bug. You know the songs that can be played on guitar and harmonica ingame by others? I have had it several times already that the song is going on but the one that's playing it puts his guitar/harmonica in his backpack?! One time I even had a stalker staring a new song (putting guitar away and taking it again) while the kept on playing, so two songs came from one stalker at once.
btw, I think I found the solution for the controller sound bug. I came across to others and I didn't have the issue. I remember that with the first one I saved before attacking when the sound was already there, I died and loaded. Than the sound didn't disappear, so I guess that it only occurs when you load a save while the sound is activated.
I found out that the groza should also be deleted, located in gamedata\meshes\weapons. It caused a CTD twice when I tried to equip it. When deleted it worked. (The log was empty if you want to know)
Can't say help you there. The file xr_meet.script is not replaced anywhere in the guide other than the original AMK install. Anything script related that was added by the AMK team is well beyond my scope to troubleshoot or repair.
Also, there are weird things going on with on with your install that I can't explain and probably won't be able to explain in the future. You have files that shouldn't be there that could be leftover from another mod I don't support, so I encourage you to delete your gamedata folder and start over to eliminate any possibility for conflicts.
xrcore.dll" at 001b:00c97cb5, xrdebug::backend()+165 byte(s)
I got this error WITHOUT ever using any mods. I don't think it is caused by mods at all.
I read one post that said you should finish the game in order. I jumped ahead by mistake before I got this error.
I think you have to go do the doctor quest and get the secret stash before you go to turn off the brain scorcher. Not sure though. I also replaced my video card. It could be that the video card just gets old after awhile and overheats. Just a guess. I also did a fresh install of my video drivers because I was getting video driver errors on another game. You probably don't need a new video card. I upgraded from a geforce 240 with 1 mb of ram to a geforce 520 with 2mb of ram for $70.
After I got the error and did the above fixes, I reloaded a save file back before I went to the brain scorcher, an area where I knew the error hadn't started yet and replayed it from there.
My game works fine now. Good luck to those of you having this error. I hope you fix it soon. The game has more than one save your game before you go to Prypat. You'll be glad you did.
My name is Toasted_99. There can't be leftovers from other mods as I completely deleted stalker and reinstalled before installing this one. The error however didn't occur again when I reloaded, so it might be just coincidence. In the future I'll post on ICR.
Just as an FYI, even if you uninstall STALKER, the gamedata folder will still remain. You would have to delete it yourself. Maybe you already know that, but just ruling it out.
The AMK Arsenal 1.0 link isn't working.
ReplyDeleteAlternative AMK Arsenal 1.0 download link:!download|269l3|134505352|AMK_Arsenal_V1.7z|96280|R~0
ReplyDeleteAMK Arsenal V2 and V3 are down as well, here are some working links:
Rapidshit? Seriously?
ReplyDeleteLinks updated. Thanks for the heads-up
ReplyDeletei have a old pc
ReplyDeletep4 3,2ghz
ati radeon 9600xt 256mb
1,6gb ddr ram
you recommend me install the textures of the completemod?
btw sorry for my shitty engrish :/
ReplyDeleteSkip out on the textures.
ReplyDeleteIf you have old-ish PC, I'd recommend staying away from Complete. It's not too well optimized.
ReplyDeleteFor first timers I do recommend the Zone Reclamation Project. You can improve its visuals with the Stalker Weather Overhaul, if necessary, that doesn't really affect framerates at all.
Crashes whenever I try to load a game or start a new game. I just merge the gamedata folders and override any existing files right?
ReplyDeleteTried uninstalling and reinstalling, same thing.
ReplyDeleteHere's the error:
XR_3DA.exe caused BREAKPOINT in module "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl\bin\xrCore.dll" at 001B:00C97CB5, xrDebug::backend()+165 byte(s)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWe should probably set up a SJGR general chat or something.
ReplyDeleteEverything worked fine for a while, but now i cant load my game -_-
ReplyDeleteIt gets stuck forever in the Client:Synchronizing phase when it loads. Its pretty fucking annoying.
ReplyDeleteI was getting the same thing, the problem is probably the LURK UI Mod. Deleting "gamedata/config/ui/maingame.xml" will fix it, but I think it breaks the mod.
Seriouslyt though, how do i fix the game not loading? now that i have it installed id like to play it :/
ReplyDeleteAny plans to do it for Call Of Pripyat?
ReplyDeleteCheck your Users\Public\Documents\stalker-shoc\logs after experiencing the problem to get a hint for the solution. Other then that I don't have enough information to help.
ReplyDeleteI've discovered that Minimal LURK for AMK could cause problems for those not using the AMK Arsenal mod. I'll cook up a patch shortly.
ReplyDeleteThe log is just blank... its there but it doesnt have anything on it.
ReplyDeleteWhen the game fucks up i dont get a XRA crash, it just freezes and i have to close it with task manager.
I will need to know the following to help:
ReplyDelete1. The step you were on before experiencing problems.
2. Which steps you decided to skip, if any.
3. Your monitor's resolution.
4. A few line from the end of your xray log (if available)
1. Did all the steps except a few ones i skipped, game was working fine for a while.
ReplyDelete2.I skipped step 3 and 4.
3. 1280x1024, although i run SoC in 1024x768
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
* Texture memory: 1000 M
* DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
count of .thm files=4
load time=153 ms
* distortion: used, dev(30),need(14)
* SSample: 1448x1086
* SSample: enabled
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r1_tf_mipbias 0.
Starting engine...
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:\program files\thq\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\terrapack-empty_noise_l.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:\program files\thq\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\terrapack-empty_noise_r.ogg
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r1_tf_mipbias 0.
* SSample: 1448x1086
* SSample: enabled
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [0 ms]
Input: 1
Config-file [c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\stalker-shoc\user.ltx] saved successfully
Destroying Direct3D...
* RM_Dump: textures : 0
* RM_Dump: rtargets : 0
* RM_Dump: rtargetsc : 0
* RM_Dump: vs : 0
* RM_Dump: ps : 0
* RM_Dump: dcl : 0
* RM_Dump: states : 0
* RM_Dump: tex_list : 0
* RM_Dump: matrices : 0
* RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0
* RM_Dump: v_passes : 0
* RM_Dump: v_elements: 0
* RM_Dump: v_shaders : 0
refCount:pBaseZB 1
refCount:pBaseRT 1
DeviceREF: 1
Hope this helps
I'm not planning to do anything for Call of Pripyat. I would recommend Complete, I Work Alone, or SGM 1.7 BlackByte edition if you want something really exotic.
ReplyDeleteSeveral things could be wrong, anon.
ReplyDelete1. You appear to be using the retail version of the game, which means you are running version 1.0004. Do NOT install the AMK Patch for 1.0005.
2. The AMK Arsenal mod, by default, is packaged with widescreen scope textures. As said in step 5, having scope textures in the wrong resolution can cause problems. Also as said, AMK Arsenal also comes with more scope textures. Read the 1.31 patch's readme for instructions on correcting your scope texture resolutions.
3. Your log seems to complaining about the AMK main menu theme music which goes in hadow of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\. Ensure that both Terrapack-Empty_noise_l.ogg and Terrapack-Empty_noise_r.ogg are in that folder.
allright, ill check these. I could swear i DLed the 1.0005 patch for the game though
ReplyDeleteAlthough ill probly just reinstall and re-download everything while watching what you stated. Thanks for the help Robbie!
and nevermind about that third one. That probably doesn't mean anything because its in my xray log.
ReplyDeleteOk i did a quick check and its not 1 or 3, the music files are there and i did install patch 1.0005. seems like i WILL have to redownload everything while keeping an eye on these scoped textures.
ReplyDeleteactually maybe i can fix these without reinstalling, fuck this can get complicated at times XD
ReplyDeleteAdded a version of Minimal LURK HUD for AMK that will work without AMK Arsenal Mod. Previously, installing the merge without AMK Arsenal Mod caused problems.
ReplyDeleteAlright, I'm having an issue like Monix above was; I've tried uninstalling STALKER and re-installing all the mods in order again and get the same problem.
ReplyDeleteXR_3DA.exe caused BREAKPOINT in module "f:\steam\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl\bin\xrCore.dll" at 001B:00597CB5, xrDebug::backend()+165 byte(s)
I am using the Arsenal mod and the LURK hud, and did the complete + SWO merge.
xray log, screen resolution, and game version please, and keep in mind that I've updated the LURK HUD
ReplyDeleteI've discovered a bug in Minimal LURK HUD for AMK that causes crashes when playing the game 800x600, 1024x768, and 1152x864 resolutions. I know what is causing this problem and will have the mod replaced shortly.
ReplyDeleteUpdated Minimal LURK HUD for AMK. It will no longer crash games running in low resolution. Re-download the mod and re-install it to fix any problems related to it.
ReplyDeleteRunning at 1920x1200, It's the Steam version(1.5?)
ReplyDelete <-xray log
here is the relevant line:
ReplyDeleteCan't find texture'arsenal_mod\556x45_clip_m16'
This is pretty weird because AMK Arsenal mod does not have M16s. However, LURK has EXACTLY this texture file. My guess is you have LURK config files mixed in with your install for some reason. Delete your whole gamedata folder to start fresh and try again.
Unless you were trying to install LURK, which I don't officially support. All I can tell you is that LURK has two patches you should look for.
ReplyDeleteActually, after checking moddb, it seems Holden finally incorporated his patches into the release.
ReplyDelete[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CRender::texture_load
[error]File : D:\xray-svn\xr_3da\xrRender_R1\Texture.cpp
[error]Line : 291
[error]Description :
[error]Arguments : Can't find texture 'ui\ui_nvidia_intro'
stack trace:
wtf is this ^ ?
did i forget to update the game or seomthing? i dont even know how to check the version :S
That one is kind of interesting. The texture ui_nvidia_intro doesn't seem to be provided by AMK.
ReplyDeleteNormally your version is displayed at the bottom-left while viewing the main menu. But because you are having problems with an intro screen, its likely that you aren't even getting that far. You may be able to bypass this problem by using the launch option -nointro which skips the intro screens. There are directions for using launch options on this page.
If that doesn't work I recommend re-installing your game entirely, checking your game version without mods, and retrying the guide based on that information
[error]Expression : wave&&wave->length()
ReplyDelete[error]Function : CSoundRender_Source::LoadWave
[error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xrSound\SoundRender_Source_loader.cpp
[error]Line : 65
[error]Description : Can't open wave file:
[error]Arguments : c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\ambient\rnd_outdoor\rnd_swamp\ambient\rnd_outdoor\rnd_wind_1.ogg
I can see it's trying to open an audio file, but apparently can't. I was on Step 3 going through the Conventional setup, and I also installed the AMK Arsenal mod, as I have installed AMK. Deleted the grenade script, that didn't solve anything (obviously). Would appreciate some help, thanks.
Author of the previous post here. I'm also running 1.5.
ReplyDeleternd_wind_1 is a sound file native to Complete 2009. If you follow the conventional method you will not have or need this file. AMK should not normally try to call this file unless you are using the AMK Complete method.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to fix this problem, but the AMK Complete method is always available if the conventional method won't work for you.
Okay, thanks.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'd like some clarification on what it would mean to skip the SWO merge files... how can I do this if I want to use AMK as well? Is there no way to install ZRP otherwise, or is this actually a step that can be skipped entirely? What would I be missing out on, then?
The SWO Merge files were created to make SWO compatible with AMK. If you are playing a normal game or ZRP, you don't need the merge files. Installing the SWO merge files onto a non-AMK game will cause crashes.
ReplyDeleteAh, okay.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing; Vsync seems completely broken. Whether I've enabled it in the in-game graphics setting or forced it through my video card software, the screen keeps tearing. Any advice on how to remedy this issue?
Like I said in the Some things you may want to know... section, AA, AS, and V-sync don't work. V-sync should work if you force it through your driver, so I don't know why even that wouldn't work for you. I've only tested this with Nvidia video cards and drivers and don't know what kind of features ATi Catalyst drivers offer.
ReplyDeleteIf your driver version is extremely old, try updating it.
If I copy + paste a few folders of textures from LURK, is that all that is required? Or will I need to also edit some .ltx files to make the textures compatible?
ReplyDeleteUsing LURK textures in amk shouldn't be any more complicated than using Complete textures. I've tried it in the past and it should work the way you described. Just copy and past the texture folders.
ReplyDeleteBut keep in mind my memory might not be perfect on this.
I seem to have a problem with getting to the Starting Menu. It goes through THQ, GSC, etc. and then at the last one, it goes black and can be exited via Esc key.
ReplyDeleteAny solutions?
I am trying to get the mod AMK to work.
You didn't give too much information, but luckily I think I already know what you're talking about. I remember this happening when testing the retail version STALKER with AMK when I failed to patch the game to version 1.0004. The game comes with an earlier version, and needs to be patched. Scroll up to the top of the guide to find a link to the patch.
ReplyDeleteRunning this using the absolute textures, having to use static lighting because my computer ain't all that, just wondering if there's any way to make nights darker?
ReplyDeleteI've tried fiddling with the sky_color values, and using the darker nights option in SWO, neither gave me the desired effect. Any ideas better than just dropping the gamma/brightness bars?
I don't know exactly how to make nights darker, though I might investigate it myself out of curiosity. I know that LURK has very dark nights, and this probably has to do with it's shaders. Try experimenting with replacing the SWO shaders with LURK shaders. I haven't tried it myself, but that's what I would try first.
ReplyDeleteBut keep in mind that LURK's shaders are not as well optimized as SWO's, so consider how much more stress you can put on your PC.
I did everything as the guide said (I hope)
ReplyDeletedownloaded the arsenal, the SWO, weather overhaul and the LURK HUD, and I get this error:
XR_3DA.exe caused BREAKPOINT in module "C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\bin\xrCore.dll" at 0023:01047D15, xrDebug::backend()+165 byte(s)
What do I do?
^^^^^^^^^^ sorry forgot my screen res and game version
Retail: 1.0004
Is that an excerpt from your xray log at Users\Public\Documents\stalker-shoc\logs ? Information near the end of that file is more useful than the crash message.
ReplyDeleteA number of things could have gone wrong:
1. You installed the 1.0005 compatibility patch even though you have 1.0004.
2. you installed the AMK Complete + SWO merge file, even though you skipped the AMK Complete step.
3. You installed the non-Arsenal version of LURK HUD even though you have the Arsenal mod.
I think #2 is most likely. I recently restructured the guide to require the AMK Complete step so I left out the separate SWO merge file that works without it. I'll put it back in as an option for those who want to use SWO without other graphics mods.
I installed last night, using your guide. My game is the 1.0005 version, and I did not do the optional AMK weapon mod. Game worked fine, crashed when I tried to load my save.
I am the above poster, it only seems to be on my custom save, not the auto save that it crashes.
ReplyDeleteNot a whole lot of info to go off of in that log excerpt. Usually it indicates that a specific file that is causing the problem. Since it doesn't mention anything, I can't get even a first clue.
ReplyDeleteThat aside, I never really made the guide with the intention of it being usable by old saves. There are so many mods that add new scripts that I don't have a chance of determining what will be incompatible with old saves.
Yeah, not sure myself. I did a fresh install and started a new game. It worked fine for a bit, then today again it won't load the save. It was loading it yesterday. Everything else seems to be working fine so, I have no idea. Bummer really.
ReplyDeleteI have a weard error everytime I get close to nimble and get up the stairs, or down the stairs. I did all the steps except the last (lurk hud), here's the error:
[error]Expression : !lst.empty()
[error]Function : CHudItem::animGet
[error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\HudItem.cpp
[error]Line : 295
[error]Description : grenade_reload
screen is 4:3 and I have the retail version 1.0005 installed. I already deleted the xrs.grenade file as said above.
Sorry, forgot to mention it was at the first assault on Nimble, and I haven't spoken to him yet (still sitting with his hands on his head)
ReplyDeleteI couldn't reproduce the problem on my system, but I can tell you that grenade_reload is the name of a weapon animation for the Abakan. This weapon does not use a new mesh, so ensure that there is not an "abakan" folder in gamedata\meshes\weapons. New meshes, which in this case we aren't using, typically rename this anim to "reload_grenade" or "reload_g" so when a weapon with old anim names tries to execute that anim with a new mesh that expects those two different anim names, that causes a crash.
ReplyDeleteI've just deleted the folder and tried the stairs. no ctd occured and I talked to Nimble. I couldn't play on cause I have to go now, but it seems that the error has been fixed, so thank you for that.
ReplyDeleteBTW, do you know a way to use dynamic lightning (full or the other option) without massive stuttering? It only works normal with static lightning -I have a pc that came with vista (can't remember exact specs though) and 3 GB of RAM, drivers up to date, video card that's good enough.
I'm glad that helped.
ReplyDeleteStuddering is very serious problem in STALKER SoC even while using good hardware. It occurs when entering a new area and the game has to swap resources in and out of your video card's VRAM. The only way to reduce its effects (as far as I know) is to just plain have tons of VRAM or, like you've discovered, play on extremely low graphics settings.
btw, you really shouldn't have abakan folder in \meshes to begin with. Maybe you have an old version of LURK Animations for AMK that I had posted for about 4 hours before taking it down a while back. If you do, I would expect more crashes.
ReplyDeleteI have more folders inside \meshes (weapon folders). Suppose that there are more folders that aren't used, how do I know which can (and if you're right will) cause errors?
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's possible I have the old version of LURK animations for AMK because I started with this combination of mods just a few days back (took me a while cause I had a busy week), unless you see a few days as "a while back".
Before I go, have you ever tried to add the arena extension mod to this? With a previous playthrough I used used that one and I enjoyed it a lot. If no, can you give me advice on how to merge it. I know a few things about merging, but I guess you're the better one in this case.
Thanks again.
The only weapons whose meshes I didn't change, because I thought the originals were better, are the Abakan, FN2000, and RG6. You shouldn't have a folder for any of these in \meshes. And I had that buggy version posted at least three weeks ago, so I don't anticipate any further problems for you, but please continue to report crashes you experience.
ReplyDeleteI had at one time briefly considered merging the Arena expansion with AMK while browsing for possible new merging projects, and that mod is very nice and would make STALKER's somewhat lackluster arena sidequest more interesting. I decided to continue focusing on the LURK weapons for reasons outlined in another blog post. I may still do it in the future, but I would also be very pleased if someone else manages to do it and save me the effort. In fact, there are a lot of mods I would like merged with AMK, but don't have the time for.
Then I still have no clue how those folders got in there, but they're gone now. If any error occurs, you'll be the first one to know ;).
ReplyDeleteHello, still me.
ReplyDeleteI just encountered two controllers (at the abandened car park in Cordon), killed them both and the sound didn't go away. After some experimenting I noticed the only way to get rid of it is to manually save, quit the game, restart the game and load. Do you know any easier way of getting rid of that annoying bug, as I don't know how many controllers there are and that noise ruins the game if you're not fighting with a controller.
That's an AMK bug. Sorry, but I can't fix that.
ReplyDeleteThere is a way to completely delete the sound from the game entirely and not have to deal with it at all, though. The screen distortion is enough to announce the presence of a controller anyway.
1. go to your gamedata\sounds folder and find the file $no_sound.ogg.
2. Copy and past this file twice making $no_sound - Copy.ogg and $no_sound - Copy(2).ogg.
3. Rename the new sound files 01controller_presence_l.ogg and
4. Cut and past these files to sounds\monsters\controller and overwrite the original sound files.
What you just did was replace the bugged controller sounds with blank audio clips. The game will continue to play them after you kill the controller, but you won't care because they don't make noise anymore!
I haven't exactly tested this myself, but I don't see any logical reason why it wouldn't work. Give it a try.
Before I try, I wonder if it would work if I copy those 2 sound files from another mod, as with the complete 2009 and the vanilla playthroughs I wasn't bothered with this bug.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand it might be a problem in the system files, but then a question comes in my mind, if it has been in the AMK mod from the beginning, why hasn't it been fixed? I don't think it is that difficult to find and fix.
I do think the controller sound should stay in the game as it contributes a lot to the atmosphere, and it makes the scariest mutant even scarier ;).
Using the audio clips from Complete 2009 wouldn't fix it. The problem is most likely in a script file that calls the audio clip and fails to stop the looping for some reason. The bug may not have originally been in AMK, it may have been introduced by the AMK EN patch, or even the 1.0005 compatibility patch.
ReplyDeleteIt's most likely a problem with the 1.0005 patch. As said before, AMK is buggier on 1.0005 than 1.0004. This is supposedly because 1.0005 requires slightly different scripting rules. This makes sense because two of the three files the 1.0005 patch replaces are two very important script files with a few lines of the script changed.
The problem is there are many, many script files, and it would be nearly impossible to anticipate how the new scripting rules will affect them all so its easy to see how small bugs can happen.
I can figure out how the controller sound works and which script works with the .ogg files, but I don't know much about the scripting in STALKER yet.
What you say can be true, but this is one of the most annoying bugs, and it's strange that there hasn't been succesful attempts to fix it yet. However, if you can find out which script file contains the command for the controller sounds that would be very nice. This might even lead to an easy solution. If you find the file, let me know so I can try some things out as well.
ReplyDeleteAs I said before, I don't think it's hard to fix, it just costs time. I think the bug was introduced with the ability of the controller to zombify stalkers or the adding of strenght to the controller, for as far as I know the files regarding the controller haven't been changed since.
I can't it is the 1.0005 patch, as with my vanilla playthrough I didn't have this bug. In combination it could generate more problems, but then I should have the same with other mutants, shouldn't I? Or at least with other sound files.
btw, I found a wierd bug. You know the songs that can be played on guitar and harmonica ingame by others? I have had it several times already that the song is going on but the one that's playing it puts his guitar/harmonica in his backpack?! One time I even had a stalker staring a new song (putting guitar away and taking it again) while the kept on playing, so two songs came from one stalker at once.
sorry, some letters magically disappeared with the above post
ReplyDeleteI have another question: do the people in the bar area take my stuff out of the chest in the place where the barmann is?
ReplyDeleteYes. Not only do npcs loot bodies, but they also loot containers. You should use the backpack you got from Sidorvich as a stash and hide it somewhere.
ReplyDeletebtw, I think I found the solution for the controller sound bug. I came across to others and I didn't have the issue. I remember that with the first one I saved before attacking when the sound was already there, I died and loaded. Than the sound didn't disappear, so I guess that it only occurs when you load a save while the sound is activated.
ReplyDeleteI found out that the groza should also be deleted, located in gamedata\meshes\weapons. It caused a CTD twice when I tried to equip it. When deleted it worked. (The log was empty if you want to know)
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, I also didn't change the groza mesh. Forgot about that one.
ReplyDeleteI just got another error. I went from the bar to the garbage and was at the big hanger in the middle, then I got the CTD. Here's the error log:
[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 73
[error]Description :
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ... shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\xr_meet.script:16: C stack overflow
Can't say help you there. The file xr_meet.script is not replaced anywhere in the guide other than the original AMK install. Anything script related that was added by the AMK team is well beyond my scope to troubleshoot or repair.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there are weird things going on with on with your install that I can't explain and probably won't be able to explain in the future. You have files that shouldn't be there that could be leftover from another mod I don't support, so I encourage you to delete your gamedata folder and start over to eliminate any possibility for conflicts.
also, try using the link to IRC at the top of the page first and check if I'm there. Communication will be faster that way.
ReplyDeletexrcore.dll" at 001b:00c97cb5, xrdebug::backend()+165 byte(s)
ReplyDeleteI got this error WITHOUT ever using any mods. I don't think it is caused by mods at all.
I read one post that said you should finish the game in order. I jumped ahead by mistake before I got this error.
I think you have to go do the doctor quest and get the secret stash before you go to turn off the brain scorcher. Not sure though. I also replaced my video card. It could be that the video card just gets old after awhile and overheats. Just a guess. I also did a fresh install of my video drivers because I was getting video driver errors on another game. You probably don't need a new video card. I upgraded from a geforce 240 with 1 mb of ram to a geforce 520 with 2mb of ram for $70.
After I got the error and did the above fixes, I reloaded a save file back before I went to the brain scorcher, an area where I knew the error hadn't started yet and replayed it from there.
My game works fine now. Good luck to those of you having this error. I hope you fix it soon. The game has more than one save your game before you go to Prypat. You'll be glad you did.
My name is Toasted_99.
ReplyDeleteThere can't be leftovers from other mods as I completely deleted stalker and reinstalled before installing this one. The error however didn't occur again when I reloaded, so it might be just coincidence. In the future I'll post on ICR.
Just as an FYI, even if you uninstall STALKER, the gamedata folder will still remain. You would have to delete it yourself. Maybe you already know that, but just ruling it out.
ReplyDeleteSWO link is broken (filefront)
ReplyDeletelink for swo 3.1.1 is missing and I can`t find it anywhere on internet. can you reupload?
ReplyDeleteFound a working link for SWO 3.1.1 update
Original SWO 3.1 Lite works if you search the files on gamefront
Where is the user.ltx file? Could you repost it?